Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shirt Re-Purpose

When Logan was two Jeremy and I came across a shirt that I insisted we had to have.  It was $20 an unheard of price to pay for a t-shirt that he would out grow in a couple of months.  What we didn't realize is that this shirt was WAY OUT OF PROPORTION!  It was maybe the right length for a two year old but the width for a four or five year old.  So I put Logan in it a couple of times then we packed it away for our future sons, which turns out to be son.

As Jackson is now approaching two we  went through the old clothes and came across this t-shirt.  I knew I would never put Jackson in it though I love it.  I thought since I am mildly crafty I could cut it apart and applique it on something.  Then I realized it was too girly to do that, so I tried the shirt on the girls (yes the 3 year old who is the size of a 5 year old and the almost 6 year olds) besides the length it fit well so I decided to make it into a dress.



Isn't it cute?  And it fits the three younger girls!

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